Component 2: Indicator 2.2 Strategy Management (Strategy Implementation)

Component 2 Strategy and Management

Indicator 2.2 Strategy Management (Strategy Implementation)

MHESI IQA (Items 1-9) assessment is indicated in the table below

1 mark2 marks3 marks4 marks5 marks
1 item2 items3-4 items5-6 items 7-9 items

According to EdPEx standard, the total score to assess items 1-7 is 40 marks, the factors used to evaluate the process are ADLI.


1. Action Plan Development and deployment (Action Plans). What are key short- and longer-term action plans?

The faculty committee consisting of the Dean and the two Program Heads (who separately meet with the program-responsibility persons and adopt their ideas for the strategic plan) plans the Faculty’s strategic planning process. From the planning process, the Faculty constructs both long-term and short-term plans. The important long-term plans are: 1) Faculty Strategic Plan 2020-2024 and 2) Personnel Management and Development Plan for the fiscal year 2022-2026. The important short-term plan is the Annual Action Plan Budget 2022 operated through 46 projects. Both types of plans are delivered to the Program Heads and all faculty members in several faculty meetings with the purpose of 1) informing the overall plans and projects and 2) assigning responsible-faculty members to be in charge of the plan and projects.

หลักฐาน 46 โครงการ และสรุปโครงการ

2. Action Plan Development and deployment (Action Plan Implementation). How does the dean deploy action plans?

The faculty committee consisting of the Dean and the two Program Heads (who separately meet with the program-responsibility persons and adopt their ideas for the strategic plan) plans the Faculty’s strategic planning process. From the planning process, the Faculty constructs both long-term and short-term plans. The important long-term plans are: 1) Faculty Strategic Plan 2020-2024 and 2) Personnel Management and Development Plan for the fiscal year 2022-2026. The important short-term plan is the Annual Action Plan Budget 2022 operated through 46 projects. Both types of plans are delivered to the Program Heads and all faculty members in several faculty meetings with the purpose of 1) informing the overall plans and projects and 2) assigning responsible-faculty members to be in charge of the plan and projects.

หลักฐาน 46 โครงการ และสรุปโครงการ

3. Action Plan Development and deployment (Resource Allocation). How does the dean ensure that financial and other resources are available to support the achievement of action plans while meeting current obligations?

The Dean and committee allocate resources including budget, manpower, equipment, and places used to support the implementation of projects/activities consistent with the annual action plan to push the indicators to achieve each strategy’s goals. The methods are as follows: 1) determining criteria for resource allocation based on the results of annual operation for the last three years, 2) submitting the detail-written projects stating the objective(s), procedures, budget, expected results, target group to the Department of Research and Planning for approval, 3) arranging faculty meetings to inform and assign the projects/activities to the faculty members, 4) operating the projects and activities along the set timeline, and 5) monthly following up the results which are summarized into reports submitting to the Department of Research and Planning in each quarter.

หลักฐาน รายงานโครงการ ต่อ ฝ่ายวิจัยและแผน

4. Action Plan Development and deployment (Workforce Plans). What is key workforce plans to support short- and longer-term strategic objectives and action Plans?

The Faculty makes two types of personnel development plans – a five-year personnel development plan and an annual personnel development plan. The former covers the faculty members’ educational and research and academic work development; and academic title pursuit with the timeline to specify the year of achievement. The latter is in line with the strategic plan and action plan, which requires the development and enhancement of faculty members’ and supporting staff’s skills, knowledge and experience, and morale. The annual personnel development plan covers 5 areas: 1) development of teaching, 2) promotion of work conducting research and disseminating research results, 3) promotion of management and development of supporting work, 4) education quality assurance, and 5) development of information technology knowledge skills. All areas of development are promoted through different trainings and seminars provided in various projects. When finished, all trainings and seminars are evaluated to assess the achievement.
In addition, the Faculty makes a knowledge management project (Knowledge Management: KM) by dividing knowledge management issues into 2 types, KM for teaching and learning development and research knowledge KM. KM is an important tool to stimulate faculty members to construct a new body of knowledge by combining their intuitive knowledge from the inside with knowledge from outside sources.
หลักฐาน แผน 5 ปี พัฒนาบุคคลการ HS 09 HS 10 HS 11 HS 12 HS 13 หัวข้อ KM รูปภาพ

5. Action Plan Development and deployment (Performance Measures). What key Performance measures or indicators doe the dean use to track the achievement and effectiveness of action plans?

The indicators used to monitor the success and effectiveness of the personnel development plan are as follows:
1) The percentage of the number of full-time faculty members balanced with the performance of the mission is evident in the ratio of FTES to full-time instructors according to the criteria set by the Office of the Higher Education Commission.
2) 80% of faculty members attends professional – development training and seminars with a high level of satisfaction
3) 16.7% of full-time faculty members are pursuing a doctoral degree.
4) Five research studies were successfully done and published in SCOPUS journals
5) Four pieces of KM work: three pieces of academic KM and one piece of research KM, were produced and presented at the KM events.
6) 25% of the full-time faculty members plans to produce work for an academic title application.
7) Supporting staff attends various types of training at least 15 hours a year.
8) Faculty members were evaluated by students at a high level of satisfaction reflecting their good performance in teaching endeavors.
9) The faculty members evaluated themselves at a high level reflecting self-efficacy in teaching management.

หลักฐาน  แผน 5 ปี พัฒนาบุคคลากร ค่า FTES ผลการประเมินโครงการ HS 25 (Training on Textbook and Academic Work Production การอบรม พัฒนาศักยภาพ ของบุคคลากรสายสนับสนุน ผลการปรเมินตนเองของอาจารย์

6. Action Plan Development and deployment (Performance Projections). For these key performance measures or indicators, what are performance projections for short- and longer-term planning horizons?

The Faculty determines performance indicators and performance projectors for long-term and annual plans to monitor and evaluate success and effectiveness.

The five-year plan focuses mainly on personnel development. The plan states exactly in each specific year the number of faculty members and the budget in the following sub-plans:

  1. Faculty member recruitment: following the plan in 2025, two faculty members will be recruited, one for BE, and the other for CA.
  2. Faculty member development: the plan indicates, in a specific year, the number of faculty members who will produce research work, pursue a Ph.D., apply for an academic title, and attend a training or seminar
  3. Faculty member maintenance: the plan indicates the missions to be achieved in order to maintain the faculty members.

The annual plan executed via the 46 projects within each state precisely the objective(S), procedure, target groups, budgets, and expected results. When finished, the summary of each project is reported to the Dean.

หลักฐาน แผน 5 ปี 46 โครงการ และ สรุป

7. Action Plan Modification. How does the dean recognize and respond when circumstances require a shift in action plans and rapid execution of new plans?

When circumstances require adjustments to action plans, the Faculty reacts promptly as follows:
1) Find the reasons why the action plan needs adjustment. For example, for the ‘Study Visit Project’, the place planned for students to visit is not allowed, the Dean and the project-responsible faculty member discuss and offer alternative places for students to choose. Another way to solve the problem during the COVID-19 pandemic is to do live streaming.
2) For certain action plans that cannot be executed following the set timeline. The Dean and responsible faculty members of the plan meet to set a new timeline without harming the expected result. For example, the ‘Academic Work Production Workshop’ was postponed by two weeks due to the unavailability of the guest speaker.
3) For some action plans that have to be canceled, the Faculty reports to the Department of Research and Planning the reason for the cancellation. On and on, the cancellation must not cause any bad impacts on the Faculty’s performance and students.
หลักฐาน การขอยกเลิกแผน การเปลี่ยนสถานที่ โครงการ study visit

8. Action plan covers the implementation of strategies and missions.

The Faculty’s vision: “The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences aims for Academic and Professional Excellence in the area of English for Business for Communication and Communication Art in Digital Media along with the holistic development of the students to prepare them for the role as active citizens” and the annual strategic plan covering 5 strategic components: 1) student development, 2) research and innovation, 3) academic services to the community, 4 art and culture preservation, and 5) administration and management are achieved by the operations of 46 projects.
หลักฐาน 46 โครงการและสรุปโครงการ

9. The implementation of the strategy is assessed according to the success indicators.

As already stated in Sections 2.2.5 and 2.2.6 the indicators of success and effectiveness of strategic operations, the Faculty evaluates the success of the operation implementation based on the indicators.

  1. The five-year plan: the indicators of success vary year by year.
  • Regarding research work production, a number of faculty members have successfully completed and published their research articles in an accredited journal. Two faculty members are pursuing a Ph.D.
  • Workforce retention and maintenance: there are ways in which the Faculty maintains and retains the workforce; for example, by recognizing and honoring their outstanding work, developing teaching potential, and encouraging the construction of a new body of knowledge.
  1. Annual plan operated through annual projects

All 46 projects of 2022 cover precise objectives, procedures, target groups, budgets, and expected results. Each project is operated by the project head along the stated timeline. When finished, the project is summarized and reported to the Dean. However, during the project operation, the Dean monitors and provides suggestions to enhance the effectiveness of the operation in order to ensure that the results would come out as expected.

หลักฐาน ชื่ออาจารย์ที่กำลังเรียน ป.เอก จดหมายยกย่องผลงานอาจารย์ ผลงาน KM สรุป 46 โครงการ




Qualitative indicators

(indicated items)


5 items 

IQA (1-9)


9 items

 5 marks

EdPEx (1-7)


Percentage 10

4.5 marks


Evidence No. List of evidences
2.2.1 46 โครงการ และสรุปโครงการ
2.2.2 46 โครงการ และสรุปโครงการ
2.2.3 รายงานโครงการ ต่อ ฝ่ายวิจัยและแผน
2.2.4 แผน 5 ปี พัฒนาบุคคลการ HS 09 HS 10 HS 11 HS 12 HS 13 หัวข้อ KM รูปภาพ
2.2.5  แผน 5 ปี พัฒนาบุคคลากร ค่า FTES ผลการประเมินโครงการ HS 25 (Training on Textbook and Academic Work Production การอบรม พัฒนาศักยภาพ ของบุคคลากรสายสนับสนุน ผลการปรเมินตนเองของอาจารย์
2.2.6 แผน 5 ปี 46 โครงการ และ สรุป
2.2.7 การขอยกเลิกแผน การเปลี่ยนสถานที่ โครงการ study visit
2.2.8 46 โครงการและสรุปโครงการ
2.2.9 ชื่ออาจารย์ที่กำลังเรียน ป.เอก จดหมายยกย่องผลงานอาจารย์ ผลงาน KM สรุป 46 โครงการ


Indicator 2.157
Indicator 2.254.5
Overall Average Score(IQA)/
Overall Score (EdPEx)