Component 3: Indicator 3.1 Expectations (Customer Expectations)

Component 3 Students and Customers

Indicator 3.1 Expectations (Customer Expectations)

MHESI IQA (Items 1-6) assessment is indicated in the table below

1 mark2 marks3 marks 4 marks 5 marks
1 item2 items3 items 4-5 items 6 items

According to EdPEx standard, the total score to assess items 1-4 is 40 marks, the factors used to evaluate the process are ADLI.


1. Listening to Students and Other Customers (Current Students and Other Customers). How does the dean listen to, interact with, and observe students and other Customers to obtain actionable information?

The process of hearing and listening to students and customers starts with the faculty meeting presided over by the Dean to classify students and customers into groups as follows:
1. Students consist of current students, prospective students, and graduates
2. Customers are graduates users,
3. Collaborators consist of academic-service receivers, and community-service receivers.
Next, the meeting comes up with the procedures and tools used for hearing and listening shown below.





Teaching and Learning

1.  Current student

– Program Head and advisors meet and talk with students

– Students evaluate lectures, themselves, and the faculty management using Google Form

– Different sets of questionnaire

– Weekly meetings

– Evaluation – once at the end of the academic year

2. Prospective students

– Publicizing both programs via the faculty website and marketing teams

– PowerPoint  

– Continuous

3. Graduates

– Ask them opinions using a questionnaire via Google Form

– Interviewing

– A set of questionnaire

– Once a year

4. Graduates users

– Ask them opinions using a questionnaire via Google Form

– Interviewing

– A set of questionnaire

– Once a year

Academic Service / Community Service

1. Schools receive academic service

– Both BE and CA programs provide services.

– Teaching aid materials

– Questionnaire

– 3 services for the 2022 academic year

2. Communities receive service

–  Both BE and CA programs provide community services.

– Digital media equipment

– Questionnaire

– 3 services for the 2022 academic year

หลักฐาน ผลแบบประเมินตัวเองของนักศึกษา ผลแบบประเมินอาจารย์ PowerPoint ประชาสัมพันธ์ 2 หลักสูตร ผลการประเมินบัณฑิต ผลการประเมินการบริการวิชาการ และ การบริการชุมชน (คลิปวิดีโอด้วย)

2. Listening to Students and Other Customers (Potential Students and Other Customers).  How does the dean listen to potential students and other Customers to obtain actionable information?

The Faculty has both formal and informal methods for evaluating customer satisfaction. For the formal methods, different sets of questionnaires are used on various occasions
1) in the orientation of new students where students evaluate their satisfaction with the information they receive.
2) A student-internship meeting where students doing internships state whether their ability/quality meets the needs of the workplace and the ability/quality required.
3) the fourth-year-student orientation where fourth-year students evaluate their quality according to higher education standards
4) the graduates and graduate users follow up where graduates evaluate whether their quality and skills meet the need of the workplace while their users evaluate whether the graduates are competent for the work.
5) year-end evaluation where 1) current students evaluate themselves and the instructors, and 2 the faculty members evaluate themselves and the Dean
The procedure of using questionnaires is manual and online using Google Forms.
The informal method involves weekly meetings between students and their advisors where students voice out their concerns or needs. Another informal way is that the Faculty arranges the Faculty’s Facebook fan page to be the channel for students to post their concerns, needs, or complaints.
The results of all evaluations are gathered and analyzed for improvement.
หลักฐาน ปฐมนิเทศ / ปัจจฉิมนิเทศ สรุป internship การติดตามผลบัณฑิต ผลการประเมินอาจารย์ของ นศ ผลการประเมินตนเอง / หลักสูตรของนศ ผลการประเมินตนเองของอาจารย์ ผลการประเมินคณบดี

3. Student and Other Customer Segmentation, and Educational Program, Research, and Academic Service Offerings (Student and Other Customer Segmentation, and Mission Statement). How does the faculty determines student and other customer groups and market segments?

The Dean and faculty committee meet to classify customers into three groups.
1. Students consist of current students, prospective students, and graduates
2. Customers are graduate users,
3. Collaborators consist of academic-service receivers, community-service receivers, and faculty members
The Faculty analyzes input factors which are the Faculty’s vision, strategies, and goals, and BE and CA curricula to determine the mission and services covering 3 broad areas, namely education management, research and academic work, and academic and community service. After that, the Faculty segments customers by different missions and services by analyzing the available data as shown below.



Education management

– Current students

– Prospective students

– Graduates

– Graduate users


– Current students

– Faculty members

– Prospective students

– Research collaborators

Academic and community service

– Current and prospective students

– Local communities

– Service receivers

– Faculty members

หลักฐาน การจัดการศึกษา โครงการ HS 01/02/38/39/40/44/ วิจัยและผลิตผลงานวิชาการ โครงการ HS 23/24/25 โครงการบริการวิชาการ/ community service HS 26/27/28/29/30/31

4. Student and Other Customer Segmentation, and Educational Program, Research, and Academic Service Offerings (Educational Program, Research, and Academic Service Offerings). How does the faculty determine educational program, research, and academic service offerings?

The Faculty finds various ways to manage ‘education management’, ‘research’, and ‘academic service’ to serve the classified customers.
Education management:
Curriculum Adjustment/Improvement
• Minor adjustments occur during the academic year where some aspects need to be adjusted such as ‘course descriptions to make them precise in terms of ‘subject contents’, or ‘course learning outcomes’.
• Five-year-curriculum improvement occurs every 5 years.
II Research
• Research committee encourages faculty members to produce research work deemed to be beneficial for their academic and career growth, students, and the Faculty.
• Research committee creates mechanisms to support research endeavor.
III Academic and community service
• The committee drives both specific and general academic services and community services following the assigned projects.

หลักฐาน การปรับหลักสูตร BE การปรับย่อย (หลักสูตร B.E) Flow chart กลไกขับเคลื่อนงานวิจัย คณะกรรมการวิจัย คณะกรรมการบริการวิชาการ

5. Student development aligns with national and international development guidelines.

According to the Higher Education Plan to develop and produce the country’s manpower, higher education institutes are required to develop students to have the characteristics as set in ‘Higher Education Curriculum Standards 2015 and 2022 in order for the students to reach the set national standards. Additionally, to respond to the national and international immediate changes in all contexts including economy, society, environment, and technology, the Plan encourages the “Internationalization of Higher Education” scheme which requires higher education institutions to produce graduates with high competency in terms of knowledge, and hard and soft skills to be able to compete in an international level. The Faculty, as a unit of St. Theresa International College, embraces the Plan and Curriculum standard. As mentioned earlier, The Faculty constructs a long-term plan (five-year plan) and the annual action plan executed via 46 projects to accomplish 5 areas of strategic components. The evidence to ensure that graduates and current students possess the required national and international characteristics is illustrated by the results of the projects relating to student development and all of the evaluations.
1. แผน 5 ปี
2. ชื่อ โครงการ 46 โครงการ และผล

6. Program/Curriculum management brings higher education qualification standard results.

To ensure that both BE and CA curricula are successfully administrated to achieve learning outcomes that meet the higher education qualification standards, the Dean, Program Heads, and program-responsible persons assure the following:
1) Both curriculum manuals (TQF 2) were constructed and consisted of components required by Higher Education Curriculum Standards.
2) Some minor adjustments were made for improvement for example the adjustments to the course description. The adjustments must be approved by the College Council
3) Both curricula must undergo the main curriculum improvement every five years.
Each semester, the subjects stated in the curriculum manual are offered to students. The lesson plans for each subject (TQF 3/4) are written and attached to the MIS system for improvement. At the end of the semester, students evaluate the subjects in TQF 5/6. The lecturers teaching the subject and the Program Heads view the evaluation results for improvement.
In addition to the subjects, annual projects and extra activities are done to promote expected learning outcomes.
หลักฐาน การปรับย่อยหลักสูตร คำสั่งปรับปรุงหลักสูตร BE ตัวอย่าง TQF 3/4 5/6 กิจกรรมพิเศษ เช่น ลอยกระทง สงกรานต์ และอื่นๆ




Qualitative indicators

(indicated items)


5 items 

IQA (1-6)


6 items

 5 marks

EdPEx (1-4)


 Percentage 10

4 marks


Evidence No. List of evidences
3.1.1 ผลแบบประเมินตัวเองของนักศึกษา ผลแบบประเมินอาจารย์ PowerPoint ประชาสัมพันธ์ 2 หลักสูตร ผลการประเมินบัณฑิต ผลการประเมินการบริการวิชาการ และ การบริการชุมชน (คลิปวิดีโอด้วย)
3.1.2 ปฐมนิเทศ / ปัจจฉิมนิเทศ สรุป internship การติดตามผลบัณฑิต ผลการประเมินอาจารย์ของ นศ ผลการประเมินตนเอง / หลักสูตรของนศ ผลการประเมินตนเองของอาจารย์ ผลการประเมินคณบดี
3.1.3 การจัดการศึกษา โครงการ HS 01/02/38/39/40/44/ วิจัยและผลิตผลงานวิชาการ โครงการ HS 23/24/25 โครงการบริการวิชาการ/ community service HS 26/27/28/29/30/31
3.1.4 การปรับหลักสูตร BE การปรับย่อย (หลักสูตร B.E) Flow chart กลไกขับเคลื่อนงานวิจัย คณะกรรมการวิจัย คณะกรรมการบริการวิชาการ 1. แผน 5 ปี
2. ชื่อ โครงการ 46 โครงการ และผล
3.1.6 การปรับย่อยหลักสูตร คำสั่งปรับปรุงหลักสูตร BE ตัวอย่าง TQF 3/4 5/6 กิจกรรมพิเศษ เช่น ลอยกระทง สงกรานต์ และอื่นๆ